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Session 2: CPR TRAINING (4.23.22)

This was an amazing session! JN Outreach Foundation partnered with Pulse Check (a female minority owned SF business) and the Teen Success Solutions Program was blessed with an outstanding CPR training. It was informative, client based, progressive, and the skills learned were clearly presented and easily understood by all student participants.

We watched a video and then we transitioned to the practical work. The professional team at Pulse Check demonstrated how to preform CPR and the Heimlich maneuver on adults and babies; we also learned how to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) on adults and babies. The overall content was clearly defined, and the pulse check team went above and beyond to ensure that each of the student participants understood the content while gaining the knowledge required to properly conduct the appropriate action to help save a life.

This course was more than data and performance, it was an opportunity for us to understand the urgency to be aware of our surroundings, to be prepared to be accountable, and it was a reminder of the commitment required to assist in an emergency. These three factors are important for those of us who live in underserved communities.

A good day was had by all –
The combination of Education and life learning equates to internal survival.

Breaking Bread

After the CPR Training, we were blessed with a nutritional full course meal presented and served by The Wilson Family. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Wilson created a family setting that allowed the students to gather and literally break bread together, which was a piggyback off one of the many lessons taught during the previous Teen Success Solutions program.


Each participant  received a Red Face Shield Mask Keychain and a to go plate (BBQ Chicken, Mac & Cheese, String beans, Green salad, & a Sweet Hawaiian roll) at the end of the session in addition to the meal we ate together.

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