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Session 4: Entrepreneurial Thinking, Finance, & Trade (5.28.22)

JN Outreach Foundation is so excited to be in this unique position. Not only are we nurturing our community we have also been afforded the blessed opportunity to do what we love…create stronger foundations and bring balance to the community and more so the individuals who live in the community!

Today our youth welcomed Arelious Jones, Qiana Davis, and De’Angelo Dove. Mr. Jones opened the minds of our teens by speaking from the heart, telling his truth, providing realistic conversation about life, decision making, consequences of choice, personal relationships, business, entrepreneurship, and family values.

Mrs. Davis gave the teens a mini lesson on credit, its importance, the benefit of having and knowing when/how to use it, as well as the consequence of being irresponsible with credit. She brought a level of professionalism and reality to the topic that was outstanding, and the teens were able to understand and learn. Realizing that many teens are afraid of numbers, today Mrs. Davis showed the teens the real time data on the US National Debt and how we are affected by and contribute to that number in a way that was easy to digest.

Last but not least Mr. Dove introduced the teens to the world of Carpentry. He encouraged our teens to consider the trade and to embrace the skills within. He clearly demonstrated the value and longevity of the various trades and offered good reasons for them to consider the great arena  of Trades . As technology pushes us to dependency, we must not forget the gift of the use of our hands which are forever required to build the infrastructure that houses technology and its users.


We need our teens and our community to be responsible and safe.

Before each teen & volunteer left our building they were given two Covid test  to take with them. While we all have choices, at JN Outreach we encourage safety and good decision making by backing up what we speak with our actions and our behavior!


You can not grow a safe haven without being safe, confident, and loving while respectfully meeting needs!


To end our session, Mr. Foundation (Richie Norris, Jr) gave each teen $50 cash and tasked them to use or consider some of the knowledge learned from the day before spending or deciding what to do with the money. We love our teens, and we strive to equip them with skills, knowledge, proper support, a reliable structure, and a safe haven at 4622 3rd Street in San Francisco.


We support Minority Owned Businesses!


Lunch was provided by Cajun O’ Cajun




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